Tuesday, 11 September 2018

2mm Projects Overload

Seems I am in overdrive when it comes to 2mm projects at the moment, with ARBM projects fighting to get into the workflow. The ability to reproduce large battles in a relatively small space has proved to be overwhelming.

The Painting Desk - 2mm ECW 
The Process:
I use 3mm thich MDF bases from Battlefield Accessories. Generally 40mm wide bases, with two 2mm x 3mm magnets in the rear face so that I can attach details using magnetised 40mm x 10mm information panels.

Multiple castings are glued to their base prior to undecoating (by hand), painting, flocking and finally varnishing to keep everything where it belongs.
The complete process, right to left.
I used to paint a crazy level of detail on 2mm casting. My eyes and the three foot rule have lead to a simplification of the painting process. Now it consists of:
  • Base.
  • Undercoat back.
  • If cavalry paint horses.
  • Drybrush white.
  • Drybrush trousers.
  • Spot paint jackets.
  • Spot paint faces.
  • Spot paint headgear.
  • Drybrush pikes and tips (if needed).
  • Paint flags.
  • Varnish Figures.
  • Flock.
  • Varnish Bases to harden the flock.
Currently I am working on the following:

English Civil War: 
I was intending to write my own rule for the period, but the release of For King and Parliament may have made that process redundant as it represents units at the level I wished to model.

I have about 50 bases undercoated and 22 completed. Base size is 40mm x 20mm with a magnetised 10mm attachment on the rear for information.
The first batch.
I have 4 armies all based and undercoated.

  • French.
  • British plus Portuguese and Spanish.
  • Austrian.
  • Russian.
All are based on 40mm by 30mm bases, with magnetised rear for information.

I intend to use Blucher and FPGA, both of which assume that a base represents a Brigade.

War of the Spanish Succession:
I have completed my test bases using a single base to represent a Brigade. My aim is to replay the Battle of Blenheim using a set of rules I am currently developing. I use a scale that allows me to reflect the full 10 mile wide battlefield on a 8' table.

Bases are 60mm x 30mm plus 10mm for unit information.

American Civil War:
Again using the one base to a brigade, I have about 20 bases completed. The rules will be either Bitter Angels (a FPGA variant), Alter of Freedom or a custom set I have in the works.

Basing is again 40mm x 20mm plus 10mm for unit information.

Big Red Bat Cave is again causing problems with their To The Strongest rules. I am using 40mm x 20mm bases the last 5mm of which is devoted to unit info. 

I have complete small Republican Roman and Carthaginian armies with more to come.
Romans and Carthaginians

It goes without saying that all the miniatures are Irregular, provided by Eureka Miniatures.

Happy Gaming.

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